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How you can make money writing

Updated on November 5, 2012

Make Money Writing Online

One of the most important steps you need to take to make money writing online is choosing your keywords, which is actually step number two. Step number one is deciding what you want to write about and then writing your article around your well chosen keywords.

If we can make money writing there is a possibility we can do well enough to work only from home, this motivates us to push on. You can make money writing right here on HubPages, on your own website or even one of the other Article Bases that are free to join; providing you, or they, have Adsense or another similar commercial app that allows you to earn a commission off of Ad Revenue.

You can set out to make money writing as a freelancer for one of the many freelancing websites; there are different methods and techniques you need to follow wherever you go. If you are looking to make money writing for someone else through a freelance company you need to follow the rules they set before you; many want a certain ratio of keywords as well, very few do not want the use of keywords. Basic rule: If the article is being written for the internet you will most likely need to do your keyword research so you can continue to make money writing online. If your customers do not get visitors, they don't earn money which in turn means they will most likely not hire you again either.

Please Note: This capsule is titled ' Make Money Writing Online '; these tips apply to writing so that your article finds decent placement with the search engines; if your are writing off of the internet for normal publication these rules do not apply and are not necessary.

Make Money Writing Research

At this point I've researched my keywords and the chosen keywords are ' Make Money Writing ' this is a topic I want to write about and surely a lot of people want to know some of the ways to make money writing online. I did have to modify my page title because my chosen three keywords alone were taken so I added the words 'how you can' to the title of the page.

This is going to be a bit of a task as I am going to use a keyword density tool to make sure that I have the right keyword ratio for my article; ratios have a tendency to fluctuate a bit between search engine preferences. As you can see there is a link called 'keyword ratio for my article' this link will lead you to a site that will do a quick scan of your article and tell you what your percentages are; make sure you choose whether you are using 1, 2, 3 or four word length keywords and the app will check for the recurrence of that length of word string - you will be shown a chart once it is calculate; as in the graphics I have posted here.

Up to this point you have chosen what you want to write about, you have went over to your keyword research tool and found the suitable competition keywords for your topic. Start writing and shape your article around the topic and keywords that you have chosen; this is an important step if you want to make money writing over the internet.

To make money writing takes a bit more than simply writing an attractive keyword ratio correct article though, you have to have somewhere to put it so that it gets seen, where are you going to have yours? HubPages simplifies the matter for us, HubPages pages are indexed regularly and is most assuredly seen by the search engines, that sounds like a good starting point doesn't it? If you have a few followers, that helps too but, we want the outside world to see our article and we want to earn some revenue for our efforts, how do we do this?

If you want to make money writing, you need to do a lot of writing and tweeting and socializing to get your work before the people. Starting with the right topic and keywords is one hurdle that you can easily overcome with a bit of research. Getting your article found is the next important step that you need to take, in order to do that you need to step into the marketing arena.

Further Analysis of Keywords

Yes many of us would like to make money writing but we need to keep a constant eye on what is happening with our article. After the last capsule I have went and rechecked my keywords - make money writing - to see how I am sitting with my percentage and I'm at 2.1% which is a bit low for the words ' make money writing ' and I certainly won't be making any if I don't bring it up just a bit.

Why am I talking about a percentage as to my keywords? It is opinion that the desirable is between 3-5%, or some will say between 2-15%, opinions vary. From what I have looked into, if you want to make money writing online you need to use these ratios to keep the search engines happy; I generally go for around 3% and it has brought me some much needed organic traffic.

To make Money or Not

Wow, if we want to make money writing via the internet it seems we need to do our research. Now that I have given you all the numbers I have probably turned you off of writing, it has become more like math. Perhaps you don't want to make money writing on the internet but just maybe you have a website that you want seen; the same rule kicks back in. If people can't find you, they're not going to be looking at anything on your website.

Even if you don't want to make money writing you need to use these simple tools to bring people in to see the treasures on your website or blog. Write because you love it, but if you are using it to promote your business on the internet put in those well placed keywords so you can bring those curious minds to your website via the search engines.

Want to Make Money Writing for HubPages

With the changes in the search engines algorithms things have gotten a bit tougher for some to make money writing on HubPages but it is slowly being worked out; there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Continue to write or if you haven't signed up yet, you can sign up for HubPages here.

Diversify your interests a bit and get yourself a free blog; free blogs require a script or two to get keywords working though. Promote your Hubs to Facebook, Twitter, Stumbleupon, Blogger, Digg or any other app that you can put a friendly and informative post into, with a link leading back to your Hub of course.


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